Wessex Magical association - in flames


Events Programme 2024

Jan 9 Tue Lord Harri Harrington lecture
Feb 13 Tue

Club Night: Test Flights/Show and Tell: bring in a new or old trick to show it off, or get feedback on it. Or if you need help/advice with a trick that you have, bring this along. The night is planned to work along the lines of the learn a skill night.

Mar 12 Tue WMA "Close-Up" Competition, guests welcome
Mar 24 Sun One-Day Convention at Bournemouth School for Girls
Apr 9 Tue Lecture by Ian Keable
May 14 Tue Club Night; come for a chat, or bring along a trick to discuss, plus there is a bring and buy sale.
Jun 11 Tue Lecture by Chris Congreve
Jul 9 Tue Lecture by Iain Bailey
Aug 13 Tue Club Night
Sep 10 Tue Stage Competition, visitors welcome
Sep 29 Sun Tabletop Sale of Magic items, run by Mervyn Cole, at Pennington. Visitors welcome. Click here for further details.
Oct 8 Tue TBA
Oct 11 Fri WMA Annual Dinner, at the Village Hotel (by Bournemouth Hospital)
Nov 12 Tue AGM (sorry, members only tonight)
Dec 10 Tue Probable Christmas Party

Previous Year's Events Highlights 2023 - 2004

2023 In 2023, the WMA had presentations from:-
Lee Hathaway
"Inside Out" lecture.

Pocket Trick Challenge

WMA Close-Up Competition
Christian Grace

Chris Frost

Wayne Goodman
Alakazam Dealer Dem
Jon Allen

Stage Competition

Learn a Skill night
Annual Dinner
with John Archer

Christmas Party

The full programme events for 2023 is HERE
2022 In 2022, the WMA had presentations from:-
Ben EarlBen Earl
"Inside Out" lecture.

WMA Close-Up Competition


at Bournemouth School for Girls
Paul Hyland
"Honest Deception" Lecture

Mechanic Industries
Wyn Jones
Wyn Jones
Ollie Mealing

Vic Banks Tricks
plus Card on Ceiling demonstrations

90th Anniversary
Peter Wardell entertained
AGM, plus Picture Presentation by Megan Swann

Christmas Social
Graham Jolley entertained

The full programme events for 2022 is HERE
2021 In 2021, until July, we had to keep apart from each other due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. The WMA had presentations from:-
Household Trick Challenge
Vote in a Vice-President, then a Challenge - Perform a trick that includes an everyday household item(s).

Will Houston & Harry De Cruz
Zoom Lecture

Mark James
Lecture (Online, using Zoom)
Ace Magic Studio
Online Dealer Dem

Dan Harland
Online Lecture

Wayne Fox
Online Lecture

Alistair & Nick
Talk on 'The Road to Magic Circle membership'

Social Evening
The first face to face meeting for over a year

The full programme events for 2021 is HERE
2020 In 2020, after the middle of March, we had to keep apart from each other due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. The WMA had presentations from:-
Pocket Trick Challenge
Perform a trick that you can carry in your pocket.

Martin Peirce Lecture

Andrew Dean
Mario Morris
Stage Craft Lecture/Practice

Mini lecture/Dealer Dem (Online, using Zoom on the computers)
Short lecture by David Hoare

John Carey Lecture

David Jonathan

Pete Turner

Max Maven
Organised by the AWS(Online)

Ben Hart

The full programme events for 2020 is HERE
2019 In 2019 the WMA had presentations from:-
Pocket Trick Challenge
an opportunity to perform in front of friends?
Joel Dickenson Lecture
First class misdirection, sleight of hand and he is an accomplished showman

Magic at the Grasshopper
social evening
Magic at the Grasshopper
This was a show featuring the WMA members which was presented upstairs, with close-up entertainment in the restaurant and bar below
WMA Convention
social evening
Exonians Entertain
The Exonian Magical Society visited and entertained us with a show
Mel Mellors Lecture
mel mellors
WMA Annual Dinner
annual dinner
Thom Peterson Lecture
An entertaining talk with some excellent magic being taught

The full programme events for 2019 is HERE
2018 In 2018 the WMA had presentations from:-
Grasshopper Show
social evening
Fritz Alkemade
Fritz Alkemade
Gregory Wilson
Gregory Wilson
Jamy Ian Swiss
Jamy Ian Swiss
Marc Paul
Marc Paul
Ben Williams
Ben Williams
Gala Dinner
Jamie Daws
a master of deception and sleight of hand

The full programme events for 2018 is HERE
2017 In 2017 the WMA had presentations from:-
Will Houston
Will Houstoun
WMA Convention
Chris Randall,
Dave Loosley,
Desmondo & Cherry,
Marc Oberon,
Marc Paul,
& Noel Britten
Michael Vincent
Michael Vincent
Wayne Fox

World Magic Shop
Demo and Workshop

Paul Hyland

Ring, String
and Ding

Oliver TaborOliver Tabor
Jim KrenzJim Krenz
The full programme events for 2017 is HERE
2016 In 2016 the WMA had presentations from:-
The Pocket
Trick Challenge
Pocket Trick Challenge

John Carey
Pocket Trick Challenge

Paul Stone
Paul Stone Lecture

The Twins
The Twins

Kyle Martlett
Kyle Martlett Lecture
Dinner, cabaret Graham P Jolley
WMA Dinner

Paul Stone
Paul Stone Lecture
The full programme events for 2016 is HERE
2015 In 2015 the WMA had presentations from:-

Wayne Fox
wayne fox

Henry Evans
henry evans

Tom Wright
tom wright
convention 2015

David Penn
david penn
Leo Smetsers
Peter Nardi
peter nardi

Trevor Duffy
trevor duffy
cabaret - Romany
Group visit
to Alakazam
alakazam visit
SODS Entertain

(Society of Dorset Sorcerers) are treating us to an informal show. The SODS are a group of WMA members living around the Weymouth area.
The full programme events for 2015 is HERE
The 2015 Convention website can be viewed by clicking on this link
2014 In 2014 the WMA had presentations from:-

Chris Congreave
Chris Congreve

Mike Danata
mike danata

Peter Samelson

Ravi Mayer
Mel Mellers
& Peter Wardell
Christmas Party
with Marc Paul
Marc Paul
The full programme events for 2014 is HERE
2013 In 2013 the WMA had presentations from:-
Bill Abbott
Stuart Fell
Dave Forrest
John Kimmons
Jozsef Kovacs
Paul Gordon
Diamond Jim Tyler
WMA Dinner with Tensai
The full programme events for 2013 is HERE
2012 In 2012 the WMA had presentations from:-
Marc Paul
Paul Hyland
Steve Price
Richard Pinner
WMA Dinner with Steve Price
Entertainment by The AWS
Entertainment by The Devon Magic Circle
The full programme events for 2012 is HERE
2011 In 2011 the WMA had presentations from:-
Dinner & Cabaret
Simon Lane
Rob Cox
Jay Scott Berry
Adrian Sullivan
Will Gray
Entertainment, Devon Magic Circle
The full programme events for 2011 is HERE
2010 In 2010 the WMA had presentations from:-
Mark Worgan
Bryan Cole
Gary Jones
John Carey
Paul Hyland
Ian Rowland
Rob Cox
Clive Greenaway and Chris Keward
WMA Dinner with John Archer
The full programme events for 2010 is HERE
2009 In 2009 the WMA had presentations from:-
Steve Short
David Carre
Chris Hare
Peter Gardini
The Magic Attic
Sammy Sunshine
Scott Creasey
WMA Dinner with Graham P Jolley
Christmas Party with Mark Worgan
The full programme events for 2009 is HERE
2008 In 2008 the WMA had presentations from:-
Jack Delvin
Joshua Jay
David Tomkins
Dealer - Merlins
WMA Dinner with Amethyst
Don Booth and Stuart Fell
The full programme events for 2008 is HERE
2007 In 2007 the WMA had presentations from:-
Chris Woodward
Michael Vincent
Daniel Hunt
Mark Leveridge
Fay Presto
WMA One-day Convention
The full programme events for 2007 is HERE
2006 In 2006 the WMA had presentations from:-
Paul Hyland
Tim Shoesmith
Dave Allen
Peter Wardell
John Archer
James Brown
The full programme events for 2006 is HERE
2005 In 2005 the WMA had presentations from:-
Alan Wright
Paul Gordon
Jay Scott Berry
WMA One-day Convention
The full programme events for 2005 is HERE
2004 In 2004 the WMA had presentations from:-
Graham P Jolley
Roger Drew
Paul Hyland
Pat Page
The full programme events for 2004 is HERE
Pre-2004 Following is some advertising from various events throughout the years. Click on the small pictures to view larger versions.

2003 Aug
Presidents Night2003 presidents night

Bristol DOM
ConventionWMA Convention 2003
ConventionWMA Convention 2003

WMA Dinner 2002
ConventionWMA convention 1999
Conv. ProgrammeWMA convention 1999 programme
1997 Mar
Convention1997 convention
1997 Mar
Conv. Programme1997 convention programme
1996 Aug
J S Berry lectureJay S Berry lecture
1995 Mar
Convention1995 convention
1989 Apr
Dinner1989 dinner
1989 Apr
Convention1989 convention
1985 Mar
Convention1985 convention
October 22nd1983 show
1981 Nov
Winchester xch1983 show
1981 Jan
Edwin Hooper1981 edwin hooper
1979 June
Scout Show1979 scout show
1976 Dec
Magic Castle1976 magic castle
1975 Nov
P'mouth Jumbo1975 portsmouth
1957 October
25th Anniversary1957 anniversary
October 31st1947 show
Pre-1971 Here are two advertisements from pre decimilisation (1971), but the years are not known.
Can anyone tell me what year these two events were performed?
Possibilities are shown:
Wed. Sept. 26th
1962, 1956, 19511962?
Wed. July 17th
1968, 1963, 19571968?
Pre 2000 events: Following is a list of events from years preceding 2000 which have been located from various sources:

1986 October 14 AGM
  September 9 "Surviving the Chidldren's Party" - John Hart
  August 12 "Show Us a Trick" - open to all members, Marc Poore in charge
  July 8 President's Night
  July 3 Visit to Winchester Society
  June 10 An evening with Guy Higgins
  May 13 Associated wizards' annual visit to Sutton Road
  April 8 Peter Scarlett: President British Ring 25 I.B.M., lecture including Close-Up, Mental, Stage and Children's Magic
  March 4 (unknown, originally "Surviving the Chidldren's Party" - John Hart)
  February 11 The Annual Sale
  January 14 Shay and Company
1985 December 10 Christmas Party at Sutton Road
  November 12 "The Two Vics" present Miscelleneous Magic
1984 October A.G.M.
  September President's Night
  August A Star Lecture by Colin Hughes of Swindon (Sen Yen)
  July A visit from our MAgical Neighbours, the AWS from Southampton
  June Members present their favourite trick
  May A visit from the Winchester MAgic Society
  April Dealer Dem by Jim Ecford, trading as Deceptions
  March Star Lecture by Martin Brindle on puppets plus
  February Auction Sale and Exchange
  January Star Lecture on Children's Magic by Peter Robinson
1983 December Christmas Party at Sutton Road
  November Close-up Magic, Ted stevens and Jim Breedon from Portsmouth Magic Circle
  October A.G.M.
1982 October A.G.M.
  September (unknown)
  August Member's Night
  July President's Night
  June Competition
  May Home Counties Magical Society
  April Lecture by Jeff Atkins
  March Annual Sales & Auction
  February Jack Blake's Evening of Nostalgia
  January Lecture by Mark Leveridge
1981 December Christmas Party
  November Mervyn Presents
  October A.G.M.
  September President's Night
  August Young Magicians
  July It's Not What You Do -
  June Teach-In Cards, Geoff Scalbert
  May Visit by A.W.S.
  April Modern Children's Magic continued - Jim Breedon
  March Sales & Auction
  February Teach-In: Stage Make-Up, Brenda Stone
  January Modern Commercial Magic continued- Ron Gilbert
1980 December Christmas Open House
  November Merv's Magic
  October A.G.M.
  September Members Entertain
  August Teach-In Cards
  July Yesterday's Magic
  June Roger Daniels - Close-Up
  May Visit by A.W.S.
  April Sale and Auction
  March Modern Commercial Magic - Ron Gilbert
  February President's Night. Bill's Brainwaves, Bill Stickland
  January An Evening with Sid Plomer
1979 December Christmas Capers
  November Modern Children's Magic - Jim Breedon
  October A.G.M.
  September Members Night
  August Magic from the Past
  July Teach-In Ropes
  June President's Night
  May Book Sale - Mini Lecture
  April Return visit A.W.S.
  March Lecturer
  February Sale & Auction
  January Teach-In Silks
1978 December Christmas Happening
  November Dealer - Repro Magic
  October A.G.M.
  September Non-Council Members Visit
  August President's Night
  July Secretary's Night
  June Visit of A.W.S.
  May Dealer's Night
  April Outside Lecturer
  March Sale of Books; Mini Lecture
  February Outside Lecturer
  January Sale and auction
1977 December Christmas Do
  November Weymouth Night
1976 October A.G.M.
  September The Open Show
  August Member's Night
  July Secretary's Night with John Taylor
  June President's Night: Fred castle in Charge
  May A.W.S will visit us
  April Dealer's Demonstration and Sale
  March Childrens Competition
  February Close-Up Competition
  January Sale by auction
1975 December Member's Comedy Night
  November Bill Lainsbury

Last Updated Wednesday, June 26, 2024